Tuesday, July 8, 2014

This Summer Use UBER Code "RL9PA" And Get $30 Off!

Ladies and Gentlemen! 
The people at UBER ride services have tripled the usual referral bonus to a whopping $30!  So if you have not yet signed up for Uber, please click on any of the images in this post or manually type the following UBER code to take advantage of $30 OFF!
Uber code: RL9PA
No word right now when this $30 off promo ends but something this good probably won't last long.  So share this link with your friends and here’s to a great summer with Uber!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Bush Presidents Enjoy Retirement, While Iraq Implodes and an ISIS Terrorist State Is Born

Please chew on this for a minute…

Bush Sr. went skydiving on his birthday today. :)

Bush Jr. is painting pictures of himself in a bathtub. :)

And right now IRAQ, which this father and son duo tore apart for no better reason than oil & greed, is imploding with the invasion and inevitable occupation of ISIS - a splinter army of Al Qaeda that even they condemn for its ferocity and barbarianism - led by a revenge-filled Ph.D. and former guest of 4 years in a US insurgent prison. FTW.
(Not to mention the Kurds advancing from the north, and a weak puppet government in the east/south that can't close a post office.)

No American wants a return to Iraq for another war. Abandoning the Baghdad embassy and all of IRAQ is most likely the best course of action, but not without serious consequences… Allowing that country to implode comes with the very high probability of it becoming the FIRST TERRORIST GROUP TO FORM AN ISLAMIC STATE - one with an virtually unlimited amount of oil and resources, aka cash money. Let's not forget the hundreds of US tanks, choppers, and weapons they've already commandeered.

This is all a direct result and byproduct of these President's reckless leadership and theocratic warmongering. But there they are today floating from the sky, and painting portraits of their toes.

Enjoy retirement, Bush family, you've only created a Jihadist's playground the size of Texas that will no doubt welcome & train ANY terrorist sympathizers from all over the world, especially those who hold contempt for the United States.