Tuesday, June 1, 2010

RIP Mr. Vera

This isn't going to be a funny blog. A good family friend just passed away of a heart attack on Memorial Day. I'm angry and sad. Albert Vera was the former Mayor of Culver City, City Council Member, and owner of several businesses, including the famous Sorrento Market, to name a few. This isn't an obituary.

A little background: Last month Albert Vera allegedly pointed a gun on the tire of a truck at his place of business because they wouldn't respect his wish to refuse the delivery. I don't know the whole story but can assure you this was not the normal behavior of the man I knew while growing up. Sure, he's known for being shrewd and stern in his politics, but he was also known as a fair and generous man who'd give out free food and smiles daily. What he allegedly did was probably the wrong way to handle a small problem. No doubt. He was scheduled to appear in court today, the day after his death.

But I'm curious. Who is this D.A. that was so eager to press charges against the now deceased and terribly missed Albert Vera. I would love to hear a statement from that non-contributing zero now that he has passed away from a very unexpected heart attack. Albert was a friend to the community, a family man, a veteran, and a dedicated politician and business man. He lost one son already and was watching the health of his wife of forever slip away. That and running several successful businesses, I'm sure, is an immeasurable amount of stress that didn't need to be amplified by an ambitious and douche of a D.A. who was probably only looking at this as a career move.

Nothing personal. I know I'm just upset that a friend has passed and possibly looking to place blame.

We lost a good man. Albert Vera will be missed.

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